Monday, July 11, 2016

#Blacklivesmatter protests

In the dimension I'm really from, they also have #blacklivesmatter protests, but the protesters in my dimension actually care about black people, so the targets of the protests are the people who actually kill the most black people - other black people. Once the movement takes care of that problem, then they are going to move on to targeting the white police that kill black people since it's such a tiny percentage of all black homicides.

Saturday, July 9, 2016

In the dimension I'm really from there are no protests about racist cops because cops don't patrol. They wait to be called just like paramedics and fire fighters. In my dimension they realized that if anyone should be patrolling, it's paramedics, but it just costs too much money and people don't want to pay for paramedics to patrol, even though patrolling paramedics have saved many lives, it's such a small percentage that right now the government, just like your government doesn't think it's worth the cost. Our government realizes that this is the same way with police, but in your dimension, the government doesn't, so for some reason you have cops riding around looking for trouble and harassing people, resulting in the biggest jerks wanting to join the force and protests by the public when those jerks inevitably abuse their power.